Yes, you must list all your debts in your Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy petition even if those debts are not dischargeable debts or if you want to continue paying your car loan. The bankruptcy code requires you to list all your debts or risks denial of bankruptcy discharge if you don't. All debts means all money owed even money loaned by your grandmother.
It is a myth that your car lender will repossess your car if you list the car loan in your bankruptcy. As long as you are current on your car payment you can keep your car after bankruptcy. The same applies to your mortgage and your home. However, some car lender requires you to sign a reaffirmation agreement in order to keep the car. A reaffirmation agreement waives the discharge for the car loan and put both lender and borrower back at the same place before the bankruptcy case was filed. You should talk to a Sacramento Bankruptcy Attorney to determine if it is in your best interest to sign a reaffirmation agreement and also whether you should file a Chapter 13 or 7 Bankruptcy if you have significant equity in your home or assets.
It is also a myth that you cannot continue paying the debt. For example, if you owe money to your dentist, you must put the dentist bill in your bankruptcy, but you can continue making payment after your bankruptcy case is filed.
Another myth is that you can keep your credit card after bankruptcy if you continue making payments. Keep in mind that it is up to the credit card lenders if they want to keep your credit card open after bankruptcy filing. Usually, they will close your account after filing even if you have a zero balance and did not list them on your petition. Credit card lenders do find out if you filed for bankruptcy. If you are struggling with your mortgage and car payments, it is a bad idea to continue paying your credit cards after you filed for bankruptcy.