Ask Bankruptcy Attorney in Sacramento Stockton Fairfield CA – Bankruptcy Exemptions for California April 1, 2019
Bankruptcy Courts in California differs from bankruptcy courts in other states. Unlike some some states, in California you do not have a choice between federal or state exemptions. In California, you must apply state exemptions either CCP 703 or CCP 704. Moreover, unlike some states, in California, married couples are not allowed to double up […]
Ask Bankruptcy Attorney in Sacramento, Stockton, Fairfield, CA – I filed for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. Will my Chapter 13 Bankruptcy plan payment change?
Some of my Chapter 13 Bankruptcy clients ask if after they file for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, are they stuck with the plan payment even if their income is reduce? The answer is generally no. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy plan payment is based on a formula involving nonexempt assets and disposable income after reasonable living expenses and […]